

    One of the things that surprised me the most about Tokyo was the weather. I come from a state called California in the United States of America, and the weather is always very dry. Tokyo summers are not as hot as California summers, but they feel hotter because it is humid too. I also didn’t know that typhoons happen regularly in Japan. I have never experienced a typhoon before, so I was surprised by how much rain fell.
     California is known for having earthquakes as well. Many of my friends who come from other parts of the United States are sometimes scared when they feel their first earthquake in California. I have lived in California for my whole life though, so I am used to earthquakes. It almost makes me feel like I am at home when I feel earthquakes like the one on the morning of September 12th. I can’t wait for when the snow begins to fall in the winter. It will be another new experience for me.
By Sarah