
Golden Week

Sarah’s Blog Post 24: April 22, 2016

Next week is Golden Week. I don’t really know why it is called Golden Week, and it is a little confusing because it is not a whole week. We have next Friday off for Showa Day, but we must return for school on Monday. Then Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are holidays, but Friday and Saturday are school days. When I took Japanese classes in the United States, we learned that Golden Week is a time for holidays and a time when many Japanese people travel, but we never learned what Golden Week is.

Hinamatsuri, or Girls’ Day, was in March. I know Boys’ Day is during Golden Week. Other than that, I don’t know what the other holidays are. I hope everyone enjoys their time away from school. I did not make plans for Golden Week, but I will try to do fun things in Tokyo that I have not done before.