

Sarah’s Blog Post 16: January 13, 2016

Winter weather was one of my biggest concerns when I was planning to come to Japan. I grew up in a part of California that never snows during the winter season. Yesterday morning, Yaya told me that it snowed in Kunitachi. It didn't get cold enough to snow in Suginami, so I jokingly told Yaya that I would have to stay at her house the next time it was cold enough to snow. It will be my first time ever seeing snow. Even though the temperature in California is about the same as it is in Tokyo right now, California is much drier. Since there is very little rain, it can’t snow.


Yesterday, I lost my umbrella at school. I will have to buy a new one before it starts raining (or snowing) again. My parents gave me snow boots for Christmas, so I hope I get to use them this year. Jared says that it will definitely snow sometime soon, but I’m not sure. Maybe I bring too much warm weather wherever I go!